DEKRA Vehicle Inspection
Over 90 years of experience in vehicle testing and vehicle inspection

DEKRA Vehicle Inspection
Over 90 years of experience in vehicle testing and vehicle inspection
DEKRA Automotive
DEKRA is a leader in Europe and the world in vehicle inspections.
With over 90 years of experience in vehicle testing and vehicle inspection, DEKRA is a leader in Europe and the world in vehicle inspections.
DEKRA was founded in 1925 and has operations in around 60 countries. We inspect more than 27 million cars at our facilities around the world. We take the accumulated experience with us to our Swedish facilities.
On July 1, 2010, the monopoly for car testing ended. The market was opened to several different companies that can carry out a car inspection according to the same rules that until then applied to the state monopoly AB Svensk Bilprovning. On July 4, 2011, DEKRA was accredited by Swedac according to ISO/IEC 17020 (A) to perform vehicle inspection on light vehicles. This applies to all inspections of cars, trucks, machinery and other vehicles (MC).
DEKRA Automotive AB
Hemvärnsgatan 11B
17154 Solna