legal requirements for design verification
Safety requirements are already set at the design stage

legal requirements for design verification
Safety requirements are already set at the design stage
Design Verification
A minor fault can be expensive.
You have to do things right from the start.
It doesn't matter if it’s a gas cistern of 30,000 cubic meters or a water slide, safety is a must as early as the design stage. Before a cooking cauldron, for example, can be manufactured there are legal requirements that must be fulfilled for design verification. DEKRA is approved by the Swedish government agency SWEDAC for verifying compliance with applicable standards and legal requirements.
We use advanced calculation software for design simulation, but what's special with us is our test engineers’ solid base in reality. Our customers appreciate being able to discuss their thoughts and ideas with us, and in the end, knowing that an impartial party has examined their designs.
Pieter Jilderda, head of Design Verification Services
Joakim Majak:Gruppledare konstruktionskontroll Solna
Axel Gran: Gruppledare konstruktionskontroll Göteborg