An escalator is prominently displayed within a modern indoor building, showcasing its sleek design and functionality.
Inspection of escalators

DEKRA also helps with investigations and advice


DEKRA is approved by SWEDAC and Boverket to perform inspections of escalators, among other things. DEKRA is also accredited and notified as a Notified Body according to the European Commission's directive.

The inspection is carried out according to an established checklist and documented in an inspection report. When the inspection is approved, a DEKRA sticker is put up on which you can see when the next inspection is to be carried out. We enter all objects inspected by us into a database, inspection web, so that both we and the elevator owner can continuously see the status of their objects. DEKRA also helps with investigations and advice regarding, for example, interpretation of regulations and standards, condition analysis, design control and quality assurance.
  • Installation inspection is carried out after new installation.
  • Periodic inspection is usually carried out once a year.
  • Revision inspection is carried out if significant changes (BFS 2011:12) have been made.