Hands holding a square lump of concrete.
Ensure durability, avoid costly damage

With NDT, Concrete Inspection offers services that ensure the condition and durability of facilities

Non-destructive Testing - Concrete

Non-destructive Testing for durable concrete and infrastructure

Concrete Inspection NDT services focus on delivering accurate and reliable results to ensure long-term performance and durability.

Concrete Inspection methods for non-destructive testing use different measurement techniques such as measurement of cover layers, measurement using ground radar, "GPR", ultrasound pulse echo and Rebound Hammer Test.

Our NDT services are popular among our clients, largely due to our ability to provide high expertise and excellent service at a reasonable cost. Customers simply get a great value for their money by choosing us.

Andreas Karlsson, Section Manager, Concrete Inspection, DEKRA Industrial AB.
Non-destructive testing, or NDT, is a crucial component of concrete inspection. It comprises a set of testing methods focused on detecting damages and preserving concrete structures.
DEKRA offers various services in non-destructive testing that can be instrumental in investigating potential deficiencies and concealed damages within a concrete structure. In some cases, these services are also employed to verify and ensure the quality post-casting.

Concrete inspection

Here is more specific information about concrete inspection in specific areas.