Installation inspection crane

Order of installation inspection of crane

Our commitment to safety and efficiency for your lifting devices.

At DEKRA, we understand the importance of regular inspections to ensure maximum safety and performance of your lifting equipment. Each lifting device, be it a harbor crane, a steelworks traverse or a mobile crane, is designed for different working conditions and has a specific service life. With continuous use or individual lifts, it is critical that these devices are checked regularly to ensure they are safe to use.
Our expertise does not only extend to meeting regulatory requirements. For us, it is fundamentally about ensuring the safety of you, your employees and your customers. Through our inspection services, you not only get compliance with laws and regulations, but also valuable information that can be used to improve safety and extend the life of your lifting equipment.
Our engineers are accredited and have extensive experience and competence to carry out inspections according to national and international standards. Their local presence and commitment make them reliable partners to meet your needs and ensure your lifting devices are safe and efficient when you need them most.
Contact us today to discuss how we can help you ensure maximum safety and efficiency for your lifting equipment.

Application form

Fill out the form below to order a crane inspection.
DEKRA Industrial AB

Lagergatan 5

Göteborg 415 02