All types of pressure vessels
The safety equipment must work

All types of pressure vessels
The safety equipment must work
Pressure Inspection
Safe working environment always in focus
Control of pressurized equipment with safety in focus: your safety, our top priority.
Cooking cauldrons in school cafeteria kitchens, compressed air tanks in repair shops or boilers in district heating plants are a few examples of pressurized equipment that could constitute a risk if safety devices fail. DEKRA is accredited for inspecting all types of cooking cauldrons. For those of you unfamiliar with the term accreditation, in Sweden it is a form of authorization issued by the government agency SWEDAC. Being accredited is a requirement for inspecting pressurized vessels, for example.
What makes us unique is our broad expertise and that we always work together with our customers to ensure safe facilities.
Erik Sundvall, technology manager for Pressure Services, DEKRA Industrial AB
DEKRA Industrial AB is accredited by SWEDAC to conduct inspections of pressurized equipment in accordance with the regulations stipulated in the directives from the Swedish Work Environment Authority, the Swedish Civil Contingencies Agency and the Swedish Environmental Protection Agency. For those of you unfamiliar with the term accreditation, it is a form of authorization to conduct inspections.