Welding Database
Gives you a quick overview
The Welding Portal welDBase
Certified welders. The certificates are personal and are obtained after an approved welder's test.
The web portal welDBase is a welding database that gives you a quick overview of your welder, solderer and operator test certificates (certificates). The program welDBase is available in both Swedish and English.
Here you can easily:
- Apply: Tab to apply for personal certification.
- Certificates: Tab to see a list of all the company's certificates and search for some of them.
- Extensions: Tab to see current certificates to be six-monthly confirmed and extended.
- Welding: Tab to see the company's staff (welders/solderers/operators) and add a new person.
- Projects: Tab to add projects and connect relevant personnel (welders/solders/operators) to it/them. Here you can see which certificates have been used in which project.
- WPS/BPS: Tab to add welding data sheet WPS and/or soldering data sheet BPS.
DEKRA Industrial AB
Lagergatan 5
Göteborg 415 02