En industriarbetare i säkerhetsväst använder en laptop vid en maskin, vilket visar integrationen av teknik i industriellt arbete.
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DEKRA hjälper er på vägen

Process- & Maskinsäkerhet

It should be easy to be on the safe side. A clear structure creates safety.

Directives and standards can be perceived as complicated and difficult to understand. Following a standard or performing a risk analysis helps you to establish safety in a structured manner. DEKRA specializes in safety, safety that is based on simplicity.

Directives and standards can be perceived as complicated and difficult to understand. It can feel that you're spending more time on paperwork than correcting problems. The question is whether you really see all the problems. Following a standard or performing a risk analysis helps you to establish safety in a structured manner. DEKRA specializes in safety, safety that is based on simplicity. Checklists and routines are constantly developed to facilitate our work.
– It's great to be able to offer our customers world-leading expertise. Our broad network embraces everything from specialists in safety behavior to a lab for preventing dust explosions, says Bo Andersson, manager of Process & Machine Safety Services.
Services under Process & Machine Safety


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